Saturday, March 24, 2007

124 Billion Reasons Why America is Doomed.

Yesterday, the US House of Representatives authorized $124 Billion to fund the debacle in Iraq, with provisions for limiting tours of duty for US Military Personnel, better medical treatment for American soldiers injured while serving in Iraq, and a timetable for the orderly withdrawal of American Forces from Iraq. The DipShit who occupies the White House said that he will veto this bill.

I think that The House is trying to act responsibly. Since the 'War' started, The weapons of mas destruction that were never there have been destroyed. Saddam was found guilty by a Kangaroo Court and hung in a media show designed to make the DipShit fell more manly. Billions of US Tax dollars have vanished without a trace, and billions more have bolstered the pockets of some billionaires who are now moving their corporate headquarters to the United Arab Emirates.

With the money spent on destroying Iraq, how many hungry people could have been fed? How many school and hospitals could have been built and staffed? How much vocational training could have been provide to American workers who have had there jobs outsourced to countries with lower standards of employee compensation and protection? I could go on, but I have another point I would like to make.

There are many different phrases like: Only the strong survive; The survival of the fittest; and yes, the nastiest of all, Natural selection.

We have all seen the commercials for the children around the world who are dying of starvation. Ironically, I think by wasting so much effort and money in Iraq, while ignoring the hungry people of the world, we are dooming America and the rest of the developed world. Huh?

Those kids who do survive the famines and disasters around the world are the strongest, fittest, and probably the smartest of the group. Nature has selected them to grow up and reproduce. They will remember the time when their friends and family died around them while more affluent societies fought for world dominance. These stories will be retold to their children, who will also face a hard-scrabble life if US policies to the 3rd world remain the same. Of these children, once again, the fittest, smartest and strongest will grow up to reproduce, not only children, but a growing hatred to those who look away.

We are not seeing it yet, but it will happen. Eventually those who have endured the hardships of our decisions will decide they want more, and where will they get it? More importantly, how will they get it? Will the strongest and smartest men and women of the currently impoverished nations choose to build a better life, or will they choose to follow the example of today and use terrorism, invasion, and war to try and get what they think has been denied them? Is America and the rest of the upscale world ready to face this growing threat?

Or is it time to try a different approach? Maybe instead of funding more wars to get oil, or make politicians feel more manly, we should be focusing on providing food to the hungry, education to the masses and developing diplomacy that will allow the world to become a more reasonable and stable environment of all of mankind.

Saturday, March 10, 2007

The FBI and the TV Studios.

When it comes to hokie TV, 2 of the best hokie shoes are Bones on Fox and Numb3rs on CBS. Both of them portray the FBI as the defenders of the public with a few little imperfections.

This past week some serious charges have surfaced against the FBI concerning abuse of The Patriot Act on both Fox News and CBS News.

I think every American citizen now kinda wishes they were not so quick to jump on the anti-freedom bus that rolled through town in the last part of 2001. Some of us are waking up to the reality of what we allowed the Bush Administration to steal away from us (besides any world respect or future financial security). I doubt if we will ever get any of it back.

But, back to the TV shows. I like watching these 2 show for the same reason, they try WAAAY to hard to be serious. Granted, they both try to incorporate a touch of humor here and there, and are often successful in that manner, but with their convoluted scripts and their herky-jerky acting, they turn out to be the funniest stuff on the tube.

So what I want to know is whether or not Bones and Numb3rs are needed by these media giants to keep the FCC from leaning on them too much in these days of revived censorship with shows that push the envelope just a little. Or perhaps these shows are kinda like PSAs for the FBI produced by the Republican Corporations to say, "See, ya was all worried for nothing, America, the FBI would never do anything to an average American citizen without the full due process of the US Constitution."

Or is that that these goody-2-shoes programs are just accidental TV fare meant to soothe the fears of the TV addicts? Somebody please answer me, before the FBI starts to ask for my bank records, internet use record, phone records, and library records, without a warrant, or any recourse of action for me.

I wonder if they will come and confiscate my vinyl records?