Heating up for November
The weather here in ht Twin Cities is very warm dry this summer, but I think that is just a preview of what the next 3 months of political bullshit will bring us. Already we have dingle-berry running for Senate who says he crosses party lines when needed, but toes the Republican line on taxing and spending. Last I checked, the GOP wanted to tax the middle class to pay for a made up war on terrorism, with most of the proceedes going to military contractors with heavy political ties. Then there is the lady on TV who tells us she is qualified for the Senate because she will even put members of her of her own party (Democrat) in jail.
It reminds me of something I read once, I don't remember who wrote it, but it kinda makes sense to me: "The fact that someone willingly seeks public office should be enough to disqualify them from being elected." That is probably the best critque of our current political status.
Anyway, more pics from around town. That picnic shelter with the chimney is on the State Hospitl grounds, and that stone structure is jus below the dam. Both visible from the trail along the river
Walking Different
Today, I decided to walk with my camera in a different direction. Instead of heading west toward the Rum River, or south toward the business district, I headed east toward Sunny Acres Park. In the south parking lot are the remnants of some trees. I wonder if they are diseased, or left over from last years storms, or if they have been gathered from local construction.
Regardless, I sent a note to my brother-in-law, in case the Parks Department is giving it away, he can us it in his sauna stove.
I think that is a sensible way to recycle wood. If Mother Nature blows it down for you, why not us it to cleanse your body, spirit and mind in a good old fashioned Steam Bath? That is all for today.
The temperature yesterday reached 99F. Kinda warm for Minnesota, known more for the lakes and trees that populate the state. But all of that seems in peril these days as 'The Situation" in the Middle East continues to escalate. After the Russians spent about 10 years bombing the shit out of Afghanistan, the US took over and bombed the shit out of it for 3 more. The bombings of Iraq by US Allied forces have destroyed much of that country. Now it looks like Israel and Lebanon are going to try and bomb each other to dust. The calls are out on Right-Wingnut-Radio stations for bombing Iran because they are supplying high tech weapons to the Hezbollah group. I am sure there are many wingnut radio stations in the Arab world asking for the bombing of the US because the US supplies weapons of mass destruction to Israel. And don't forget North Korea, where a guy with an ego even greater than Bush is trying to make nuclear weapons and long range missiles while his people are starving.
Soon, if things continue to escalate, we may find ourselves in a situation where overlooking a pool of water and the greenery around it will become impossible. We are only a whisker away from bring attacked by a resident from Fruitcakeville. Just as US scientists have created biological and chemical agents under the guise of anti-terrorism, others have developed them to combat Western aggression. I can't give you the details, because those details are top-secret. But I'm pretty sure the shit is out there.
So what happens when a Christian lab-virus gets mixed with some Islamic lab-virus and the resulting goop gets incubated by some Korean nukes? Will any of the worlds water supply, crops, wildlife, greenery or people survive. Or will everything be killed by the residents of Fruitcakeville?
I Return to Start Over
Well I have decided to gove it another try. I think I am going to focus on some basic nature shots take around town with my pocket shooter. First up is a Great Egret looking for breakfast at the base of the Rum River Dam in Downtown Anoka. I tried to get the best shot possible, but it was at a distance which is kinda long for anything but a high end camera with that BIG lense.
But still and all, it don't look to fuzzy. And doing things in my normal way, I got the pictures in kinda the wrong order. The third pic was to kinda give perspective to the distance I was from the bird. It is the little white spec on the left side of the photo. just below the dam. The pics I shot were from the catwalk on the right. Well maybe after awhile I wil get better at putting posts together, and maybe at taking pictures. I hope to be posting more frequently in the coming days.