Are We Safer Today?
Okay, today is 5 years and one day since the fall of the World trade Center Towers, a hole blasted in the side of the Pentagon, and a plane crash in a Pennsylvania field. Our President tells as we are safer than we were on this date 5 years ago. I disagree.I no longer trust our National Government system. Our President has admitted lying about WMD, Iraq trying to get uranium, secret prisons run by the CIA. He has admitted there was no connection between Saddam and 9/11. He has admitted there was no connection between Saddam and Al-Queda. What doesn't he admit to?
Our government has spied on our citizens without court ordered warrants by listing to our telephone conversations and calling the people who broke the story un-American. Our government has pilfered bank records without probable cause. People who voice opposition have been jailed. Peaceful assemblies are videotaped in effort to dissuade your or me from attending.
Then there is the tax, spending, healthcare, cost of war, privitization of Social Security, oil issues, global warming, cuts in funding to all levels of education... You all know the rest of the issues.
So no, I do not feel safer. I feel like the terrorist threats to this country come not only from the Middle East (as a response to 60 years of meddling) but also from the man who was supposedly elected in the last 2 Elections.
I ask all True Americans to search their thoughts. Ask yourself, is our way of life safer with secret tribunals, restricted speech, restricted science and research. Ask your friends and family if our nation has gained respect in the eyes of the world for the actions of the men running the war in Iraq? Ask a retired person if the Medicare drug benefit is the solution to all of their health care needs. I could continue, but that is enough ranting for one day.
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